“Very authentic, humble, positive and engaging. There are so many great analogies between explorations Tori talks about and endeavours we all face in business. This made her talk so relevant for our work.”
- Dr Olaf Coenen, VP Global Commercial Management EA Games.
“Calm, assured, engaging. Well tailored at the end. Dramatic throughout. The audience were extremely engaged.”
- Simon Jennings, Marketing Director, Best Energy
“Exceptional public speaker with such engaging, thought provoking content.”
- Matt Hewett, Swoop Travel
“Really enjoyed the online talk, very informative and thought provoking.”
I have recently started running and although I am still new to it, I have thought about the possibility of me attending marathons in the distant future. Right now, it is only an idea that I could easily squash. But hearing Tori talk about when her monumental journey started with an idea that she initially did try to squash has given me further hope that I may one day run a marathon. It’s still early days, but then it was once ‘early days’ for Tori too.
The speaker Tori James was truly inspiring and captivating. Her insights left a lasting impression on me, and I left the session feeling highly motivated. While I may not be scaling Mount Everest anytime soon, her words have renewed my determination to reach the base camp someday. Overall, it was an enriching experience that has left me feeling enthusiastic and energized!
- Event attendees, Virtual session on Resilience
Capgemini Graduate Programme
“Tori was a fantastic speaker and presented an inspirational talk.”
Tori pitched the presentation perfectly between talking through her amazing challenge of climbing Everest and what people can do as part of everyday life, such as mountain walks, camping and getting outdoors and the benefits this brings. Very inspiring in terms of pushing yourself outside and expanding your comfort zone and also taking time to remove ourselves from every day distractions.
- Event attendee, Admiral Communications
“It reminded me of the metaphorical "Mount Everests" that we climb during our life...”
This was a fantastic talk by Tori and I'm very grateful to have the chance to hear it. It reminded me of the metaphorical "Mount Everests" that we climb during our life and what can be achieved when we push ourselves more beyond our comfort zones. Was really interesting! Really good, very positive and clear but exciting message. Do more and live life!
- Event attendee, Admiral Communications
Over 500 keynote presentations delivered across the globe.
“Extremely relevant and very inspiring.”
- Denise Hicks, HR Director, Valero Energy
“Brilliant talk - who says small can’t be powerful?!”
- GB Rowing Team
“Exceptional people are a privilege to listen to…@torijtweets is one of the most exceptional I’ve ever heard. Authenticity & Achievement!”
- @justynprice on Twitter
“Tori, I thought your talk was absolutely spot on! You completely met the brief and was exactly what I was looking for. You engaged the audience. You brought your experiences to life in a really humble way. You had a great story to tell and it had a logical flow. You were completely genuine and authentic, personal and came across as really wanting to be there and spend time with our guys. You made the connections between what you had experienced and how it could be related to them, where they are on their career path and development journey. The informal feedback from the conference is that you were one of the highlights.”
- Nicky Jeynes, Group Learning Consultant, Standard Life
“The best key note speakers are great storytellers @torijtweets proving just that at #ukcoachingsummit this morning”
- @StvBentall on Twitter
“The content of Tori's presentation was great - it was a really good balance and just what we needed for our International Women's Day event. It was also applicable to both men and women.”
- Jane Raiswell, Marketing & BD Manager (North West), DLA Piper UK LLP
“I wanted to pass on my thanks and appreciation for making such a wonderful presentation yesterday. Everyone was talking about how powerful your presentation was and yet how grounded you seemed to be as an individual. I guess that made you easy to relate to! Certainly it has had the desired ‘inspiration’ effect on the leaders”.
- Richard Slee, CEO, TVS Supply Chain Solutions
“Tori’s ability to engage with people on any level is extremely impressive and really defines what an approachable and influential individual she is.”
- Jeff Kennelly, General Manager, Aviation Industry
“Tori was the perfect speaker - inspirational, yes - but so natural that she made it all seem achievable - I thought her message was brilliantly delivered.”
- K Marshall, Director of Sport, Monmouth School for Girls
“Thanks again for a truly inspiring morning - everyone is still ‘buzzing’ here.”
- Mr A Griffiths, Head Teacher, Goodrich Primary.
“Inspiring female leader - overcoming stresses and taking a leap”
- Delegate, Institute of Development Professionals in Education Annual Conference
Excellent presenter and set the tone for the theme of ‘making an impact’. Made you want to stretch yourself personally and professionally.
- Delegate, Institute of Development Professionals in Education Annual Conference
“Tori is an inspirational speaker. Our students were enthralled by her story and talked about it for weeks. It was presented with beautiful clarity and captivated the 300 strong audience, inspiring staff, students and parents to think about their own goals and ideas for the future.”
- Mr Thomas Newell, Assistant Head, Broadoak Secondary School